Free Guide: 3 Secrets to Survive Puppyhood

  • Without spending any $$$
  • Start building a deep bond with your dog from Day 1
  • Tips to keep your cool while raising a young pup.

Meet Ezra the Berner

Ezra is a lovable Berner pup born on 9/8/2021 in Ohio and brought to his forever home in NY in November 2021. At the time of writing, he weighs 92 lbs. and has visited Massachusetts, Maine, Virginia, with road trips planned to Colorado. When he’s not exploring, you can find it snoozing, at obedience classes, or squeaking his favorite toys. He likes to lean on you when he says hello or sit on your feet to get his back scratched. You can follow Ezra’s daily routine on Instagram.

Hi, I’m Kaitlin

I work in big tech as a Product Manager in New York. I love learning new things, traveling, and watching my goofy Ezra. I am passionate about finding ways to have a more enriching life with my dog – through training, traveling, exercising, and playing. When I’m not working or hanging with Ezra, I enjoy writing, music, good bourbon, sleeping in as late as possible, and looking at house listings online.

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